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Posted 7/15/2017 7:56 AM (#870214 - in reply to #869619)
Subject: Re: Trolling with 350 Verado

Posts: 3483

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

I'd say you are fine trolling with the big motor. The 4 strokes these days are built well and being 4 strikes will troll efficiently. It won't get you down to walleye trolling speed but for muskies and a motor of that size, you are most likely at idle speed.

4 stroke engines are not going to gum up a motor like the carbeurated 2 strokes from years ago. They burn fuel much more efficiently with all the fuel injection technology on them.

With that said, on that big of a rig, my gut instinct says you would be fishing bigger waters as compared to some of our other collegues on here. In my humble opinion, being on big water without a second means to get off the water is a safety issue. Had a friend who was on leech lake and his big motor quit in a decent blow. Ended up totaling his boat because he had no way to keep the boat off the rocks. Bow mount was only a temporary hold.. lost his entire rig because of it.

The extra couple thousand for a touch of peace of mind, in my humble opinion, is well worth it!!


Edited by VMS 7/15/2017 8:01 AM

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