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Posting a reply to: RE: Best prop for Ranger 620 Evinrude E tech 250 HO engine

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Posted 7/15/2017 7:43 AM (#870210 - in reply to #870200)
Subject: RE: Best prop for Ranger 620 Evinrude E tech 250 HO engine

Posts: 3483

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

I'm curious of a few other numbers.. what is your top speed and top rpm when itvis just you and your gear?

In almost all cases if you are slow out of the hole, you will be low on rpms at the top as well, so your thought of going down in pitch is most likely correct. The 620 is a big rig, so going 4 blade might be the ticket....but depending on your numbers it may not be needed. Most definitely a good steel like the Mercury rev4 or evinrude equivalent (the old omc shooter prop) would be good props to try in 4 blade.

The numbers will tell a good story.


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