
Posts: 8797
| Not sure where you're located, but here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Some states require registration/title/license plates for the trailer. If you buy in/from a state that does not, be prepared for some hassles with the DMV. They are going to want the old title, even if there is not and has never been a title for the trailer. Be prepared to explain over and over in each different line, that there's no title and registration because it came from a place where you are not required to do that. Be also prepared to explain this in detail, over and over, to someone who wouldn't know what a boat is or does even if you threw them in the lake and ran their stupid ass over with it.
2. Both the DNR and the DMV (if you need a license plate/title/registration for the trailer) will want a bill of sale. Get a bill of sale.
3. Taxes: In some states you will have to pay sales tax on the purchase of the boat. Some states are just for the boat, some are for the boat/motor, some are for the entire purchase. Get an itemized bill of sale. Boat, Motor, Electronics, Trailer, Accessories, EVERYTHING. Someone with the department of revenue, who is equally clueless about the process will require you to have a bunch if #*#* you never imagined possible for the simple purchase of a simple ****ING boat.
Also make sure you have serial #'s for everything that has one on the bill of sale. EVERYTHING. Be prepared to explain that a trolling motor, while ATTACHED to the boat is not actually PART of the boat. The same goes for your electronics. Expect that the people you deal with will have absolutely NO clue about ANY aspect of what a boat is or does what is attached to it, what the parts and pieces do, or even the simple fact that a boat trailer is not permanently attached to the boat, because they do not know WTF a boat trailer IS or DOES.
Be prepared to explain that a boat floats on the water and you cannot drive a boat down the street without towing it behind a truck, on a trailer. I am not kidding.
Check your state laws re: deadlines for registration, sales tax, insurance, license plates, etc. Don't **** around waiting to transfer the title/registration/license plates/etc. for a year or more because the boat is sitting in your garage unused. If you live in a suck-hole state like IL, you'll be in for a world of bull#*#* red tape, tax penalties, late payment penalties, interest, and a bunch of frigging morons who can't grasp that it's just a fishing boat, on a trailer, that you bought from someone who happens to live somewhere else.
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