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Posted 7/6/2017 9:36 PM (#868049 - in reply to #868040)
Subject: RE: Bass boat and big water

Posts: 322

I took my Ranger 520vx bass boat out on LSC. It is horrible even without the wind if you are open water casting. The pleasure boats up there are 3-10 times the size of what I see on my home lakes. We are talking power yachts, and Donzi boats with 3 x 300hp verados!! 3-4' waves when I went up there was the norm. I had water coming over the nose of my boat the whole time I was up there. All of that wasn't nearly as scary as the crap hotel my buddy booked us. It was a microtel holy moly!! Prositutes and drug dealers were the nice people at that place. I highly suggest getting recommendations on where to stay and where not to stay. We did catch some nice fish though!! GOOD LUCK

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