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Posted 7/6/2017 2:45 PM (#867984 - in reply to #867178)
Subject: RE: Console preferences & why

Posts: 300

Location: Minocqua, WI
I have two single console boats, on top of a river boat which is a tiller. I do a lot of bass fishing, so the single console help maximize space, nothing is in the way & no obstructions, and it's an ideal setup for my mode of fishing on top of the musky fishing I do.

I prefer single consoles. One of the consoles is a Ranger 681Vs, and the other console is a Lund Guide Special tri-hull........ I might convert this one to a tiller which would make it a far more effective platform for quick lake hopping, trolling, far better boat control, and help make its 16ft space even more spacious. I feel it also fishes muskies far better than my Ranger....... probably because it doesn't require as much effort to operate, trailer, slide on and off trailer, and also doesn't need as much water to slip into even the most unimproved landings. And it's more hands-on operation than my Ranger.

And for the one tiller I have, I fish and float rivers a lot. Without it on my jon boat, I'm not fishing hands-on and with precise boat control and navigation like I prefer on such waterways.

Walk-thru windshield I will never own unless I fished Great Lakes as a primary destination and location. I do not like them for the same reasons some mention.

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