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M Ruff
Posted 7/5/2017 12:24 PM (#867773 - in reply to #867720)
Subject: Re: Substitute for Trolling Motor

Posts: 51

Go back to "old School"; late 70's - early 80's, running in reverse with main motor tiller handle between the legs was not uncommon, using up to 50 HP 2 Strokes (biggest tiller available then). Sometimes the motor didn't shut off til lunch or end of day. Burn baits and cover water, and that was in days of slower reel speeds 4.7 6500s, 4.1 (but big spools) 7000.
Worked then, you may be surprised. And yes you can still successfully figure 8 with the motor running.
Something to keep in mind as well if your electric bites the dust out on a trip; if you run a tiller.
Obviously you can still drift if you want to when conditions are right.

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