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Jerry Newman
Posted 7/5/2017 12:08 PM (#867769 - in reply to #867460)
Subject: RE: Best Prop for Ranger 621 with Yamaha 300

Location: 31
I can't help you with exact size but can tell you that I run two different size SS props on my 621, a larger one that was recommended for top RPM/speed and smaller one for larger loads, smaller lakes, tubing, and especially rough water conditions where you need to maintain 20-25 MPH.

You will give up some top end with an undersized prop, but the trade-off will be that your boat pops up on plane almost instantly, and is the stone cold nuts for operator comfort when you have to trudge threw rough water for miles. I'm on big water pretty much 90% of the time so I just leave the smaller prop on and happily surrender about 8 MPH top end for the superior rough water performance... FYI, the "recommended" prop size made the boat difficult to manage/stay on plane during low speed operation.

Maybe M/1st expert VMS can handle this (when he gets back from vacation?) Also, your local dealer that recommended the prop should be a good source as well.

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