Posts: 4
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I weigh 180 and my main partner is 170, 60 percent of the time I fish solo. So she won't really see any heavy loads. And yes even though the Merc and the Evinrude both say 60hp on the side the way they get there is very different. The Evinrude provides excellent grunt out of the hole, should be a good match for the Mag. My lake is in SE Wisconsin, so although the wind isn't a huge wave maker, the boat traffic sure is! I would have to keep an eye on the wake boarders all the time! We do have strict
"no wake" til 10:00am on weekends and quite often that's around when I pull the plug anyhow. By the looks of the profile vs. my deep V I am anticipating the Terrova having a much easier time holding spot lock and tracking in general!! | |