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Jerry Newman
Posted 7/3/2017 12:47 PM (#867561 - in reply to #867441)
Subject: Re: Console preferences & why

Location: 31
dickP - 7/2/2017 5:35 AM

Had m all.Where n how I fish=full windshield all day.About 50% of the time you'd be a cold,wet,rat riding to or from heaven with me.Not in my way and with todays trolling motors u can control the boat.
'where n how' u fish is the key.Fish big water,full windshield.

Hey Dick, good point on today's trolling motors being able to control the boat… remember when a 24 V was it?

I would add that most full windshields are on larger boats with larger decks that can accommodate two casters up front these days… this certainly wasn't the case years ago. Also, having the versatility to quickly throw a top up to get out of an all-day rain like Tom mentioned helps to prevent being one of those cold wet rats… heaven or not

I think as you get older you tend to fish bigger water, and creature comforts also play a bigger role… full windshield for the last 25 years for this guy.

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