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Posted 7/1/2017 8:24 PM (#867426 - in reply to #867423)
Subject: Re: Console preferences & why

Posts: 735

Location: Apparently where the Muskie aren't
I can't even vote in the poll because I like them all (under the right conditions)

Full windshield/walk through:great for big water, keeps you dry. makes the boat feel a little smaller, especially when casting off the front.

Dual: does same thing as a single but provides more storage

Single: (what I have now) I think this is the best all around option. Great fishability. Gives you comfort of having a console. Depending on you brand your windshield might help keep you dry. (Mine does good. Lowe)

Tiller: great if your getting a smaller boat and are fishing bodies of water that don't get too rough. All the room in the world. Great waterfowl boat.

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