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Posted 6/28/2017 10:03 PM (#866977)
Subject: Substitute for Trolling Motor

Posts: 59

I'm planning an extended muskie fishing trip in MN. During the first leg of this trip I'll be fishing out of a boat with no trolling motor. I hate being held hostage by the wind or lack there of and had contemplated buying a low end tiller motor. Then came the realization that I'd have to buy a battery and a battery charger and this idea quickly began to run into quite a bit of money; more than I'd care to spend for something I get to do 2-3 weeks out of the year if I'm lucky. Talking to the resort/camp ground owner he suggested that I reserve one of their new ultra quiet Yamaha motors. He said that it would work well as a trolling motor. I'm not sure if he and I were using the same definition of trolling during the discussion. Has anyone ever used their outboard as a substitute for am actual trolling motor? If so, how has it worked and how bad is it on gas?

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