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Posted 6/21/2017 8:00 AM (#865832 - in reply to #865828)
Subject: Re: Yes, I am that guy asking about a new boat.

Posts: 214

Location: Beaver County, Pennsylvania
jonnysled - 6/21/2017 8:56 AM

adudeuknow - 6/20/2017 9:10 PM

jonnysled - 6/20/2017 9:42 AM

adudeuknow - 6/19/2017 5:55 PM
but a lot of my local waters have a 20hp restriction. i can probably get away with a 25hp and a couple of nice new decals.

details ...

I know of a guy or two that have bigger motors with lesser hp decals done up very nice to battle the hp restrictions. I would assume it's pretty obvious to anyone that knows anything but if they arent flipping everybody over with their wake I don't think anyone would kick up too much fuss.

tough to make a 60hp look like a 20hp as was suggested. reading the thread is helpful when answering to it ... i believe some heavy editing has been done since this original post was made.

ive never seen it to that extreme but i believe people try it. ive seen 15 labeled 9.9 and 25 and a little bigger labeled 20.

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