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Posted 6/19/2017 5:02 PM (#865684 - in reply to #865682)
Subject: Re: Yes, I am that guy asking about a new boat.

Posts: 1726

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
Definitely get a tiller in a boat of that size. I know you said 20-25 hp, but go as big as you can. Dad and I both have similar boats in the 25/16.5 ft range. Go etec if you can over a 4 stroke. The 25/30 have the highest torque and speed in their classes. A lot of us in central IL bass fish 25 hp lakes. The merc motors are being traded in for the etec a lot and we never see Yamaha. Watch the video on YouTube in the 40 hp shootout where there are 4 boats in the same frame. Dad has a 1625 classic tiller Lund and I have an alumacraft 165 ltd mag tiller. 55 terrova on dads and 80 on mine. Pm me any questions you have.

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