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Posted 6/19/2017 1:07 AM (#865570)
Subject: Yes, I am that guy asking about a new boat.

Posts: 214

Location: Beaver County, Pennsylvania
So, within the next 6 months I plan to seriously start looking for a dedicated musky boat. Well, I am already browsing around but you know what I mean.

I get out less than 20 times a year and would like to keep it in the 10-12k range.

My first concern is new verse used.

I feel like you can get more boat for less but possibly run the risk of premature headaches when going the used route.

I will be fishing smaller lakes mostly with occasional trips into the Western PA Ohio river.

I was in my short search thus far, looking at Lunds 1625 Fury XL and the Rebel as well.
I am still not decided on tiller versus side console. I can see myself mostly fishing alone so space isn't a big concern. I am a casting advocate but have really been getting into trolling a lot and I have put together a good arsenal for it. If I have any passengers it will be my non-fishing wife.

I know you guys get this asked a lot here and I do try to stop and read a lot but I would appreciate the help more than you know.

Thanks in advance.

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