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Paul S
Posted 6/18/2017 9:23 AM (#865491 - in reply to #865329)
Subject: Re: Talon?

Posts: 229

Location: Tinley Park, IL
I find myself using the anchor mode on my Xi5 more often than my Talon even in shallower water. For one thing, the Talon is noisy to deploy. I also love using the anchor mode and then I scoot the boat up a shoreline with the remote. Hitting the forward button moves the boat up about 5'. Granted, I don't know exactly how this applies to your musky fishing but this Xi5 has made it much easier to fish in the wind. In terms of the Talon, it is great at the dock and great for stopping to retie or just take a break. If you guys camp out on a spot when fishing the Talon is ideal for this when it's windy. I have done this multiple times and ended up having very productive days. One of the negatives is that it weighs 60-70 lbs. If I were buying again I would check out the Powerpole due to its lighter weight and it's quieter.

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