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Posted 6/18/2017 7:17 AM (#865480 - in reply to #864953)
Subject: Re: Mapping for Lowrance HDS9 gen2

Posts: 183

I would rec. Navionics + US and Canada one card covers all of US and Canada. It come preloaded with the Navionics base map, you then download the High Definition Sonar Chart layer to the card of the areas you fish. The reason they dont load all the SonarChart layer on the card it will not hold all of US and Canada, but you can load a large areas and multiple SonarChart layer locations. You get a a year of updates with a new card, what this means you can refresh the data on the card as many times as you want in year to keep the data on your card updated with any mapping changes from Navionics.

You can preview all lake maps online at
Zoom in and click on the icon on the lower left and select SonarChart to view the high def maps.

If you desire to renew your freshest data program after the first year for another year its 50% of the new card price.

Edited by kirth 6/18/2017 7:18 AM

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