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Posted 6/10/2017 10:03 AM (#864581 - in reply to #864577)
Subject: Re: Ranger casting deck

Location: Green Bay, WI
I think I just saw a casting deck for sale on a Facebook group--I think it was the Walleye Boats For Sale group as I recall. I'm not sure it if was for a 621 or not though, but there was a Ranger rear casting deck for sale. So if you're on FB, you might want go to that group and look. You might also just throw up a "wanted" post there, asking if anyone has a deck for sale. Given that most guys in the group seem to be walleye anglers, maybe there is someone who has a deck, doesn't use it, and is sick of tripping over the thing in their garage? Might be worth a try anyway...

You might also try advertising in the Walleye Central classified section as well.


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