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Posted 5/24/2017 2:20 PM (#862728)
Subject: DUI in boat without big motor running?

Posts: 921

Hey Guys,

I don't have a habit of getting loaded while out fishing, but got to thinking about the BWI rules.

I read the MN DNR rules and it says if you're docked, anchored, rowing, or being propelled by a non-mechanical devise, you are not breaking the law if you're drunk.

I assume a trolling motor would be considered a mechanical devise.

Just curious if anyone has stories or have heard of someone getting stung by the cops even when they were not running the big motor!? If some guy is over the BAC limit but just using his bow mount to fish around the shoreline, etc.

Thanks - Midge

Edited by MuskyMidget 5/24/2017 2:21 PM

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