Posts: 546
Location: MN | danlaboucane - 8/21/2016 6:55 AM
one thing i just learned while studying ethernet linking is that the DI cannot be seen by other units like SI units only by DI units and i was going to put a DIĀ unit on the bow before i read that ! it is complete different thechnology !
I have good news for you--that is not true. First, Any unit that has SI also has DI built in, so that is not an issue. However, new software has allowed for transducer information (as well as waypoints, trails and temperature) to be shared and viewed between units, regardless of unit label. You will however be limited to the views of the most sophisticated unit on the network.
A Sonar/GPS model for instance can show SI or DI by selecting the appropriate transducer in the network settings. Make sense? |