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Posted 11/21/2015 7:00 PM (#793512 - in reply to #793511)
Subject: RE: Recon vs Tuffy

Posts: 194

Location: Lake Elmo, MN
I'd say "why a kicker" ? unless you are a trolling nut and will use that kicker every day.
A kicker is really useful on LOW as a backup if you are 20 miles from camp and the big motor konks out. But for a once a year trip, or the reservoirs around central Illinois this is not a huge issue.....I'd buy a good marine radio for $400 for those breakdown situations, and be done with it. (and save 2 grand)
Again tho....if you are a big time troller year around, I'd say then your kicker is a huge deal and buy the 9.9

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