| you can network two units without the ethernet port. it's only if you add a third connection (another unit or terrova) that you need the ethernet port. the xx9-series units do need an ethernet cord adapter "dongle." if it's two units direct, you'll need a dongle for both ends; if you're running from unit to ethernet port you only need it on the unit end. i don't get why you can't just get the cord with the new style connections already installed, but it is what it is.
i did notice lag at times on my previous 998 and 1198 units when scrolling complex maps and running SI at the same time, etc. i'm expecting my new 999 and 1199 units to handle this more smoothly.
the internal gps on the xx9-series units helped reduce cost, which is nice. some people claim the internals are more prone to line-of-sight blocks than external pucks, but the capabilities are the same for internal as external puck: accuracy within 8 feet (2.5m). this accuracy is light years ahead of what we were happy with just a few years ago. there is an external gps puck available which includes a directional compass that helps keep your boat icon pointed properly on the gps screen when moving at extremely slow speeds. i plan to add an external puck for my new console unit, placed in the back of the boat, but that is solely so that it's co-located with my transducers rather than an extra 10' away in the boat. my bow unit is already right over the transducer, so no need for an external puck there.
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