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Posted 3/3/2013 8:28 AM (#622538 - in reply to #622485)
Subject: Re: Bahia for Musky Fishing

Posts: 1663

Location: Kodiak, AK
Yes, I do love the idea. I've got a saltwater background and a few years ago I was shopping for a 620 and came across my boat...620 hull, bay was a marriage made in Heaven. I've been offered cash for my boat, but to go and buy a 20' bay boat now there's alot that I'd lose by "upgrading" to a newer model.

I wouldn't put much trust in the 2-4" of draft you gain in the Bahia for avoiding rocks. 4" is too little of a margin for my comfort, especially in bigger water where a 1' of chop is nothing. It may be good for getting in somewhere and fishing, but my tug still only draws 14"-16"...never actually measured, but I've been in shin deep water.

I'd not worry about Ranger marketing bay boats to muskie guys...they have an entire line already designed for and marketed to muskie guys. If Pathfinder made multi-species boats, they'd market them to muskie guys too. Bays are catching on for muskies, but their intended market is still 99.9% saltwater guys in FL and down south.

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