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Posted 12/12/2012 7:34 AM (#602957 - in reply to #602596)
Subject: Re: Triton 177 bounce/trim issue

Posts: 3488

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

In most cases when a dealer sets up a rig, they set it up so the cavitation plate is level with the lowest portion of the hull. But..that is a position designed for overall handling with an aluminum prop and for acceptable speed as well. It is by far from the most efficient set up.

In your case, and running steel, the boat will perform much better when the motor is higher off the transom. In many cases, the cavitation plate can be as much as 2 inches ABOVE the lowest point on the hull. This is due to the boat making a "hole" in the water, so when the boat passes over, the water starts to fill the hole. I happen to run a tin boat, but I added a 4" setback plate on mine, which allowed me to raise the motor even higher (with a water pressure gauge) to get every bit of performance I can out of the boat.

An ideal set up has the cavitation plate just above the water line when the boat is on plane and trimmed (you can check this if you have a partner in the boat who can either take the wheel or peer over the back end as you go) If the plate is in the water, the motor in most cases is too low. And...with a good steel prop, that plate in the water will only slow you down. The prop will grab plenty of water for handling and turning, although you will (and should) trim down in moderate turns so the boat helps carve the turn and the prop continues to grab.

I wouldn't say you are over-thinking things...just processing what is going on. THAT is a good thing...


Edited by VMS 12/12/2012 11:37 AM

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