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Posted 11/23/2012 10:14 PM (#599305 - in reply to #599298)
Subject: Re: Lower Unit milky oil

Posts: 403

Location: Lakeville, MN
VMS - 11/23/2012 9:50 PM

archerynut36 - 11/23/2012 8:08 PM

i would change the screws and gaskets. they only run a few bucks..bill


Bingo on this one. If memory serves me correctly on many gear lube screws there are nylon/plastic washers that need replacement now and then. If one of those has gone bad, it can allow water in over time. I would highly suspect those to be the issue, and your problems solved with a quick replacement.


I just drained mine and found that last time I changed the oil the nylon washer stuck in place and I didnt noice, so this time one screw had 2 washers while the other didnt have one and there was a little water in my lower unit.. paying attention to the little things can often save you from the big things later on!


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