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Jerry Newman
Posted 11/19/2012 9:59 AM (#598579 - in reply to #596568)
Subject: Re: Ehanol and Hoses ...

Location: 31
saint1 - 11/7/2012 1:16 PM

From here on out nothing but premium for me.


Same here, I just had all of the filters replaced on my Yamaha four strokes (5 total). The intake had to be removed to replace the one inside the VST tank in my big motor (total for everything $600... ouch) My mechanic said it was a good move though because that one in the VST tank was dirty and would have eventually trashed the gas pump and left me stranded and with a large repair bill.

Also, if you're running your boat enough in the summer/fall you can get by using ethanol gas, just make sure your last tank of the year is ethanol free or drain the tank and lines as completely as you can. It's also vitally important if you can't (or won't) drain the ethanol to treat and top off your tank before storage to minimize condensation.

Sadly it's that time of year again for most of us!

Edited by Jerry Newman 11/19/2012 10:01 AM

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