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Posted 11/5/2012 7:12 AM (#596059 - in reply to #596037)
Subject: Re: Portable Sonar/GPS Question

Posts: 1722

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
I use the rubber feet to hold it in place. They are rubber stoppers for test tubes. Ace hardware had quite the supply of them. I would get the battery before you build the case. I estimated the size of the battery before I built the case and I guessed wrong. I had to add a spacer between the back of the battery and the case to keep it from tilting. I used all 316SS hardware and I used 1" aluminum strap backed with 1/8" rubber to hold the battery in place.

I can take the unit out and send you more pictures if you are interested.

Edited by RyanJoz 11/5/2012 7:20 AM

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