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ESOX Maniac
Posted 6/20/2012 12:48 PM (#566485 - in reply to #566471)
Subject: Re: 1994 Johnson 120hp battery not charging

Posts: 2753

Location: Mauston, Wisconsin
Both of us, (Shep & myself) are electrical engineers, we wouldn't steer you wrong. If the tach is not working, you've got a charging problem. A fully charged 12V battery at rest w/o load should measure ~12.5 to 12.8V - 12.7V is typical. As it gets older this will drop somewhat.

Your engine has to charge the engine DC system and battery at idle. Once its started, the engine doesn't really need the battery. I've literally ran my 1989 Johnson 150HP at idle for multiple days when I'm up in Canada and just like you, I have all my sonar electronics, dual live well pumps, bilge pump, marine radio and stereo, running lights on my starting battery.

The link looks pretty darn good, thanks. Any parts you'll need are found in the "Ignition Section" - If you really want to tackle this DIY, you need to first get a factory service manual for your motor. Usually $ well spent, I have both the operators manual and service manual, I keep them in the boat w/ some basic tools. You need the motor ID number & serial #, that's important to both make sure you have the right manual and that you are looking at the correct parts list.... The service manual will have precise checks to test both the stator and the rectifier/regulator. You will need a digital volt/ohm meter to troubleshoot the charging system. If you need more help or if you get to the point of pulling the flywheel send me a PM with your phone number & I can walk you through the process......

Good luck.

Edited by ESOX Maniac 6/20/2012 12:49 PM

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