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Jerry Newman
Posted 5/6/2012 4:23 PM (#558185 - in reply to #558172)
Subject: RE: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

Location: 31
Thanks Guest, that's exactly the kind of advice I was looking for! Now I just have to figure out how to turn off those waypoint numbers?

I'm sooo glad I decided to run the old LCX-113 alongside of the HD-10 at the helm now… (I almost sold my 113 to a friend). I went back and forth with it but in the end I decided on the 2 units mainly for the big look, also redundancy, and familiarity with the 113 came into play. If I'd known about this issue with the icons, it would have been a no-brainer!!!

My only reservation with running two big units at the helm was thinking it was going to be tight, but to my surprise there's actually plenty of room for both, it's even nice to rest my wrist/hand on the top of the lower unit while playing around with the other. Best of both worlds until I get things squared away with Icon situation on the HD… It's awesome that there's 5000 available!

Adaptability is my middle name Steve… LOL!

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