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Posting a reply to: RE: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

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Posted 5/6/2012 3:10 PM (#558172 - in reply to #455824)
Subject: RE: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

With the new HDS units I use symbols with the numbers turned off.....this is ends up being essentially the same as the old icon system.

In terms of transfering from old units to the new HDS units, on one of my boats I kept an original 332 that I use along with the HDS 7.

I think the HDS unit symbol system makes a lot more sense than the old lcx version of either icon or waypoint. The new system combines both into one and works great.

For an individual that uses a lot of icons/waypoints in my opinion it makes for sense to have two smaller HDS units ethernet linked compared to one big unit. I can rapidly run structure up with waypoint symbol allocations.

I realize this isn't a fix all for those who have iconed up their LCXs and wanted to transfer them intact to the HDS units.

There are a ton of used LCX units out there at low prices that one may not have to address the issue of icons for many years. The other option for one that wants the benefit of the new HDS technology is to buy a smaller unit and run it side by side with the LCX.

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