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Jerry Newman
Posted 5/6/2012 11:31 AM (#558136 - in reply to #455922)
Subject: Re: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

Location: 31
I know this is an old thread but I was doing a search on what happened to the icons with HDs and ended up back here (first time HD user this year). I can understand how Doc wouldn't have a problem with the HD units not having icons, transferring data, or anything with Lowrance for that matter considering he's probably the number one expert. I’m not him…

However, I'm with these other guys being extremely disappointed to not only find the icons do not transfer intact, but also that they don’t even have icons. I'll be able to work around it, but I have a TON of lakes with my targeted trolling break line outlined saved on cards that's a little up in the air now.

My routine was to simply blank my old 113 (all icons trails and waypoints) before launching and install the lake/area icons before fishing, when I finished fishing just save the updated version. I'll be the first to admit that I over used icons… I’ve even had several people in my boat that could hardly believe I went to that kind of extreme, but it works for me… so yeah I'm hugely disappointed too. Literally thousands of hours of carefully stored information dating back to the X-15 days, I'll be able to work around it like reef hog says, and StructureScan will probably more than make up for it… but it's still quite a shocker.

My question is to you guys to have been using these HD units… how much of a problem has this been for you, and have you learned any tricks.

I'll tell you something that would be really trick TJ, Lowrance could have a “depth icon” on their upcoming gen 3s. Hit a button, the depth is recorded from your sonar for those times when the map is off.

Edited by Jerry Newman 5/6/2012 11:51 AM

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