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Posted 5/3/2012 6:38 PM (#557721 - in reply to #557717)
Subject: Re: Starting batteries?

Posts: 5874

I looked and can't find the name or link to the MI transcript. T's me off a little, because I know I had it saved on a HD somewhere. I tried to find it, but no luck.

I know it was on the Milwaukee chapter's archive site. But I bet they have since revamped that a couple times by now, and it's probably gone from there too. It was a really nice presentation. I could have sworn his name was Bob. He was probably 60ish. Maybe just ask if they know who does the battery seminars for the musky club?

Sucks getting old!

Speaking of batteries. Mine are headed to MN right now, with their new owner. Kind of a sad day for me.

Edited by Shep 5/3/2012 6:44 PM

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