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Posted 5/2/2012 9:55 PM (#557530 - in reply to #557503)
Subject: Re: 70" Deck Box

Posts: 134

Location: Central Wi
Hey everyone I'm lucky owner of the 70" Box that Bob posted. Just wanted to give Bob another thumbs up! This box was made exactly the way we discussed. Bob does a great job customizing everything to fit perfectly in the boat. For anyone interested in buying or making a custom box I suggest talking to Bob. I had the opportunity of talking with Bob and getting a tour of his shop when I picked the box up. Most have no idea how much work, time, and dedication go into each box. There really is no limit to what Bob can do. Custom Boxes for just about anything.

Here is a rendering I did of the box when we were in the planning stage... You can’t get too much closer to what I wanted! The only thing the rendering doesn't show is the removable boxes, which was one of Bob’s great ideas!!!

I will also try to post some more pics of the box this weekend for others to see...

Edited by mattgski 5/2/2012 9:57 PM

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