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Posted 5/2/2012 12:39 PM (#557397 - in reply to #557373)
Subject: RE: Starting batteries?

Posts: 5874


MCA is the appropriate rating to apply. CA is the same, rated at 32 d F.

CCA is about 20-25% less than MCA. Rated at 0d F.

I know my Opti's all required 1000 MCA. 135HP to 200HP. Can't say about the 115. Should be in the manual. Or ask your dealer.

Point is, the Maxx 29DC has 875MCA, and only 675 CCA. Would not meet requirement for my motors.

I have a 200 Opti at present. Been a great motor for 4+ years. Very easy on oil, and fuel if I keep it off WOT! 3rd Opti since 2002, and never had an issue with either of them. I have been in boats with the 90 and the 115 Opti, and they are really nice motors. You will be pleased with your choice.

Edited by Shep 5/2/2012 12:43 PM

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