| In my opinion, you need to line up all your rods with reels on and take a picture with your digital camera and also of your mounted electronics and trolling motor. If you don't have detailed receipts for all of the above in the event of theft or some catastrophic accident event you will be hard pressed to PROVE to any insurance company claims adjuster SPECIFICALLY what your stuff was and the original value. From there you can haggle over the present value of it all in the claims process. Additionally, during the off season or whenever you can get around to it I would take each tackle box, one at a time, and lay out the lures in front of it and take the picture. Can you imagine trying to convince a claims adjuster that you had two boxes stolen from your boat with atleast 20 lures in each one and those lures would now cost a total of around $400 to replace (40 lures @$10 retail). I have 7 musky boxes in my basement (various Lakewood models) and have pics of it all. Again, being able to prove what your stuff was will maximize what you may be able to recover from a claims process after a major theft or destructive accident. | |