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Jerry Newman
Posted 5/1/2012 12:24 PM (#557097 - in reply to #557039)
Subject: RE: Starting batteries?

Location: 31
Shep - 5/1/2012 9:49 AM
While others say good things about the Optima batteries, I'm not a big fan. Not a good value IMO. Cost too much initially, and I don't think they perform as good as less expensive wet-cell or gel-cell batteries. Thy may last a little longer, but certainly not long enough to justify 3 times the price.

I don't think the products that provide charging from the boat motor alternating are really a good application for muskie anglers, who run and gunn all day. Big motor is just not running long enough to make a difference.

OPTIMA/GEL: I'm definitely a gel-cell battery believer, I think they outlast and outperform equally sized wet cells. I'll be the first to admit that the cost sucks initially, but the longevity and not having to worry about spilling battery acid or checking the fluid level deal is worth it to me.

STEALTH: I do agree that in certain applications the big motor is not running long enough to make a difference charging from the boat motor(s) for casting only situations on smaller lakes for instance. However, if you troll and cast equal amounts (or run and gun on systems like LOTW) that Stealth charger does everything it says it will... and then some.

Not only are your batteries charging throughout the day so you have more available power if needed, the batteries themselves last longer because you're not having to charge them back up from a totally discharged state... it basically maintains them. Think of it like this... when you plug your charger in and it jumps to that maximum charge rate every night, it's way hard on those batteries, you can even feel your batteries getting hot sometimes.

BTW, giving credit where credit is due... Joel Mellot (Luke Chine Walker) turned me on to Steath in 2003, Thanks Joe!

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