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Ball Cap
Posted 4/30/2012 7:39 PM (#556920 - in reply to #556903)
Subject: RE: Master power not working. Help!

On the starting battery there are 2 positive wires and 2 negative wires that get hooked up. The really small gauge wire is what is running the bilge livewell etc.

The much thicker gauge wire has Yamaha logos on it so I assume that's what is running what I am calling the master power. I have no idea what else to call it. Because the larger Yamaha wires are not working properly the trim doesn't work and neither does the key when I turn it to the on position where you would normally see the gauges work etc.

Everything you guys mentioned above I have done.

I did the same thing yesterday as I've done the previous 10 years when the boat came out of storage.

My battery charger is telling me both batteries that I tried are taking a full charge.

The only thing that makes sense is if those batteries do have enough juice to run the bilge and livewell but not enough to run the trim. That would seem very odd to me though.

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