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Posted 4/11/2012 10:30 PM (#552597 - in reply to #487876)
Subject: Re: Recon Boats

Posts: 32892

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
'Had heard on another site that Joe Bucher will possibly be fishing out of a Recon soon. He seems to be a loyal Wisconsin guy having Yarcraft and Evinrudes in the past. Wonder with Yarcraft's ownership change if that changed his deal there. Also wonder why he hasn't fished out of a Tuffy - Wisconsin based and great set up for his style of fishing.'

He did run a Tuffy, for years. He got a better deal from Ranger, and went with them. Then he got a better deal with I think Champion, and went with them. Then he ran a Heckels rig, don't remember which brand but it was aluminum, Princecraft I think. Then he ran a Yar Craft, and now a Recon. He's run both Mercury and Evinrude products. TV sponsorship is what it is, and deals have to be made.

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