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Posted 10/4/2011 9:10 PM (#519355 - in reply to #519155)
Subject: Re: 96 Lund Pro V 1890 livewell questions ?

my guess if you do hear your pump running is that the pump is vapor locked happens all the time on my 96 1775 one of 2 things works on my turn the pump on and put the boat in reverse which forces water into the pump if that dosnt work pull the plug on the live well and let several inches of water in then put the plub in so the water stays in now put the lever on recirc and turn pump on. once it starts pumping pull the into fill without shutting off the pump should be good to go. if that does not work right infront of the live well there should be a access panel with 4 screws in it remove that and see if the levers are working some times my cables slip and wont move the valve

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