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Posting a reply to: Re: 96 Lund Pro V 1890 livewell questions ?

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Northwind Mark
Posted 10/3/2011 3:22 PM (#519155 - in reply to #519138)
Subject: Re: 96 Lund Pro V 1890 livewell questions ?

Posts: 566

Location: Elgin, IL
Thanks Steve.....I will try that next. Seems to me that my first order of business here is find out why the aerator pumps are not pumping fresh water to the 2 livewells and 2 baitwells. Right now they are not.

The slide controls are working OK.....I figured out that all they really do is control the livewell drains. (open drain, or closed drain)

*** Note to those that own anything and plan on selling it, it sure makes it REALLY nice for the next owner to have an Owner's Manual.......I don't care what it is.

Thanks again gentlemen.

Edited by Northwind Mark 10/4/2011 9:32 AM

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