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Posting a reply to: Re: 96 Lund Pro V 1890 livewell questions ?

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Northwind Mark
Posted 10/3/2011 11:36 AM (#519121 - in reply to #519118)
Subject: Re: 96 Lund Pro V 1890 livewell questions ?

Posts: 566

Location: Elgin, IL
Hi Captain,
The 2 slide levers have 3 positions: fill (forward position), empty, (middle), and recirculate.(back posiiton) I cannot fill any of the livewells electrically, only by pulling the plug out and letting them fill up.....and I only get about an inch or so in there.
I'm also wondering what fills the separate baitwells??

I'm thinking that my aerater pump isn't pumping water in....I hear a motor running but it isn't pumping at all, into any of the 4 wells.

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