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Posted 5/5/2011 9:24 AM (#496938 - in reply to #494980)
Subject: Re: Boat insurance

Posts: 897

Actually, I am covered for approximately $10/month. I went over the entire policy with my broker, have adequate coverage for the boat/motor/trailer (agreed upon value that is more than everything is worth), made sure it covers any accident repairs, made sure to have all of my gear covered by a separate section of the policy (replacement cost, including detachable electronics which is important), have ample liability coverage, etc., etc.

I use the same company I have homeowners insurance with. Not sure if that's why the rate is so low, but yes you can get covered for that cheap. I asked ALL of the questions and got the right answers.

Shop around, you can find it cheaper than $300/year. Just make sure you look over the policy and ask a lot of questions to make sure you're covered.

Edited by whynot 5/5/2011 9:24 AM

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