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Posted 4/8/2011 7:45 AM (#491432)
Subject: Interest in different bunks for trailer?

Posts: 717

Location: Grand Rapids, MI
I'm thinking of doing a little side business of a new(?) bunk material for boat trailers. I have a source to do very hard plastic bunks. My thinking is this - Depending on how often you launch your boat, you have to replace your wooden/carpeted bunks every few years. The carpet holds moisture which just helps the wood to rot faster. And if you are going to replace your bunks... well, what a pain. You have to launch your boat and tie it up. Then, work on your trailer in the parking lot. The bunks I want to make will be 2" x 3 1/2", and made to any length. They can be carpeted, or left bare. If left bare, it will be much easier to launch your boat on shallow ramps. They won't be as slippery as rollers, though. Probably right inbetween. So, those guys that think rollers suck ultimately, but like them for their ease of rolling off/on will love these. They will never rot and they won't scratch fiberglass or aluminum. They will outlast the paint on the trailer, the tires, the wiring... heck - I'm comfortable to say they will last a lifetime. I am an overhead crane operator for my day job, and I have this same material for my outriggers on my boom truck. Literally thousands of pounds of force on this plastic. The pads I had made are 2' x 2' x 3". I've had them for 8yrs, and barely a scratch on them.

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