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Posted 1/24/2011 5:47 PM (#477491 - in reply to #477010)
Subject: Re: Tire heating up when trailering boat

Posts: 3870

Switch the tires, one side for the other and take a test drive. If the tire stays hot on the other side, then the problem is the tire.

I'm betting the tire isn't the problem, though. I suspect the bearings on the repaired side are running lots hotter for some reason and the warmer rubber is just a symptom. Surely a problem to figure and fix considering bearing/axel failure on the road is 1) almost always avoidable 2) a royal, time-consuming pain in the a$$.

Replacing the bearings yourself is a messy but fairly straightforward job. I replace my bearings (and that ring they roll on) every 3 years and replace the tires every 2 years, on my small, simple trailer.

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