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Posted 9/19/2010 9:29 PM (#460015 - in reply to #459968)
Subject: Re: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

Location: Contrarian Island
TJ, couple things....for me personally the ease of use in mapping and icons is so much easier and smarter on the LCX units I will keep mine and buy backups when I see them at good prices...the HDS units to me went a step backwards...shouldn't the new "updated" unit be simpler to use than the units they are discontinuing? well, they aren't...
also, why in the world would you have a seperate SD card for each you realize that the files even if you put 1000 icons and 1000 waypoints are about 40kb??? one 2 mb SD card could hold 50 files (lakes) that size....
I'd be curious to find out why the Lowrance engineers would put a 30 gigabyte hard drive on a unit like my 38c HD then cap the icons at 1000? ah well...we can all have a wish list I guess.

Edited by BNelson 9/19/2010 9:32 PM

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