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TJ DeVoe
Posted 9/19/2010 1:24 PM (#459968 - in reply to #459962)
Subject: Re: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

Posts: 2323

Location: Stevens Point, WI
If you would use an HDS unit and used it to it's fullest potential, meaning with the LGC-4000, the StructureScan with the Downview feature, and add on the Sirius Satellite Weather and radio services, you might never own an LCX unit again.

If your seeing LCX units going for more than what they were when they were closed out, then I wouldn't touch that unit with a 10 foot pole. If you look hard, good used deals are endless, you just have to be patient. The LCX units are worth what they are worth, and that's by no means more than what they were when they were being closed out. Plus, there will be a point in time when Lowrance will no longer service an LCX unit at all.

As for memory, this isn't a Labtop computer, it's a fish locator. Look at the waterproof laptops in the same dimensions, those won't give you a depth, structure, bottom density, downscan or side scan reading ...and the Yuma and Toughbook are way more expensive. The Trimble Yuma is a nice unit, but wouldn't work for me to give me what I want even for just a GPS, and runs $3300.00 to $4300.00.

These units aren't built the way some used to use the LCX models. Can they be used that way, absolutely, but you have to adjust to the limitations of the unit.

What I've done so I don't fill up a unit with umpteen waypoints or icons when I had LCX units is for each big lake, I have a separate SD card with all my waypoints just from that lake, then I put a new card in the unit for another large lake. I only do this for large bodies of waters, that way any data I collect from that lake is on that SD card. Or, you can get a Navionics Navplanner that stores your waypoints, tracks, routes etc.

So, there are options out there that can be utilized, but to boycott the HDS units.... I'll enjoy my HDS units to the fullest.

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