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Posted 9/19/2010 12:38 PM (#459962 - in reply to #455824)
Subject: RE: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

Location: Minneapolis, MN
"....especially on the HDS units where you don't have an icon feature anymore. "

This may be why the used LCX units are going for more now used than they did new on closeout when the HDS units were announced. Once people realized what they were giving up to get an HDS, suddenly the LCX looks better. I know that is true for me. Anyone have a 112 pr 113" LCX they want to sell?

By the way, you can't buy a PC with less than 1GB of memory for $599. Why can't Lowrance put a bit more memory in these things at $2200+ so this is a non-issue for all anglers? I hope someday a company forms that can offer a diskless PC that stores and processes everything and then just wire it to waterproof dumb terminals with a standard network ethernet cable. This would get us off the new hardware treadmill the other two have us chasing.

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