Location: Contrarian Island | if there is one thing I am..is a planner...ask anyone that goes on trips w me..i have backups of backups...heck I'd bring an extra boat if i could haul it...that being said...when you are on the road, traveling at 75 mph on a 500 mile trip...do you stop and check your seals/oil bath hubs at each gas stop? say one leaks out and then 200 miles down the road you blow your bearings? the dealer I went thru to convert them imo knows and he said he had countless Rangers come in w the exact problem I had...also one other thing I had to consider is at the time I was trailering it to some pretty shady launches in northern WI...he told me that is where problems can occur...only giving my real world experience and what the mechanic told me...if there are less problems with the grease ones...I'll take it...maybe he was blowing smoke up my butt to have me spend the coin to convert them but I trust him enough...if oil bath hubs are more prone to leak/break seals and are more of a pain to fix on trips...screw that...I'm all about less maintenance and less hassle fixing...I'm no McGyver.
my 2 cents VMS |