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Posting a reply to: RE: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

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Posted 8/20/2010 11:13 AM (#456016 - in reply to #455824)
Subject: RE: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

Posts: 994

Location: Minnesota: where it's tough to be a sportsfan!
Guys there is several ways to use todays electronics. Different doesn't make it wrong. I was on Lowrance factory team when the first GPS's hit the "inland" market. I have always said the use of the machines is too time restricting. Once again the "machine programming" is dictating use vrs needs of use dictating how the program works. I am at a crossroads now with my GPS & even the sonar. The only units I haven't complained about in a year or so is the flashers and my handheld GPS!!
I sure would like to know how I can stand on my bow with a handheld working that I can put in my pocket, and have this giant screen unit with a seperate antenna not working a few feet away. I have also wondered wgy when we want all the information we can capture when we catch a fish why we can't capture that when we push the marking button. Personally I believe it's time for a company to come out with some "input from the on the water guys " not the "droned out software" fellows. It's not they give these units away, and it's not like they don't go out of date every 3-4 years! The whole industry needs to relook at their product vs.application/use in my humble opinon.

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