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TJ DeVoe
Posted 8/19/2010 10:35 PM (#455937 - in reply to #455824)
Subject: Re: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

Posts: 2323

Location: Stevens Point, WI
Brad, not necessary man. I have not once said what your doing is wrong, it works, you have the proof to show it.

Cory, in that instance of the clumps of cabbage, then waypoint those. I would have in that instance. But if your running a weedline, most of the time a consistent depth can be followed. If your going along, all of sudden the boat goes from the 14 feet of water you were holding in to 10 feet, guess what, I'd be pushing my boat left or right towards deeper water. Why? More than likely you are coming up on an inside turn or something has changed along that weedline.

Yes, you may run into the weedline or spot once in awhile, but that's learning, that's part of finding out what's there. By doing that, you have learned ok well I need to adjust for this next time. I guess personally trial and error once in awhile isn't always bad in my opinion.

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