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TJ DeVoe
Posted 8/19/2010 10:29 PM (#455933 - in reply to #455824)
Subject: Re: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

Posts: 2323

Location: Stevens Point, WI
Actually gentlemen, first off, as we all know, I am a hardcore Lowrance fan. Nothing wrong with Hummingbird, but I personally think Lowrance holds the edge and I like their product.

As for losing customers Cory, Lowrance had record breaking sales since the release of the HDS units. Not only did they win New Product Showcase in 2009 at ICAST but also Best of Show in 2010 ICAST.

My StructureScan was back ordered for over six weeks. This is fact, right from the factory themselves. So to tell me they are not meeting customer needs, well I beg to differ.

Musky fishermen are for sure less than 10%, maybe even 5% of Lowrance sales. Adjusting to musky fishermen alone, good luck with that one, honestly.

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